Myths about RPO/Offshore Recruitment service

Qodoro Global
3 min readJul 6, 2020

Recruitment process outsourcing OR Offshore recruitment service has been around for a while now. There is a mixed bag of reviews for RPO’s success and failures. Failures with RPO come with a lot of misconception and low communication to achieve the end goal. Whereas success with RPO comes with a crucial hiring procedure same as hiring an onshore team member. RPO is a tailored service and not one size fits all.

Following are few myths about the RPO explained in a simplified form.

RPO is expensive: -

Every solution/service seems expensive until you detail it down to your exact need. A staffing company looking to adopt an RPO model is based on a lot of research and advantages from a cost-effective solution to scalability. RPO can be on contract bases or a full-term contract depending on your needs.

Every year staffing companies are exploring the solution to avail major benefits. RPO’s are quite flexible in the fees and open to create a win-win situation. RPO is more like a solution than a service, and every solution should be implemented through consulting with the provider. It is very important to understand your needs before hiring an RPO so it doesn’t become expensive.

RPO’s are not transparent: -

Sometimes a sense of urgency makes us ignore proper due diligence while hiring an RPO Same way it is important to know how to hire offshore recruitment support?. A lot of times staffing companies face trust issues and transparency issues because of lack of information or performance metrics.

Transparency is maintained by video calls, communication with the resource or the team hired. The more delivery metrics are formed to overlook the work, the more transparency and communication is increased. This helps the staffing companies to be clear on their decisions and work towards making things better.

Offshore recruiters can never work like onshore: -

Every offshore recruiter is either experienced or trained to handle an account with industry expertise and knowledge. The training includes cultural values and candidate handling techniques.

Working with any resource whether onshore or offshore, it takes time for the resource to build traction with the account to perform. For you to trust the resource the hiring process has to go satisfactory. The hiring process includes a lot of ways to interview the resource and see for yourself if he/she is responsible for the job.

RPO’s take away jobs: -

RPO services are used to increase the core strength of the team. It helps in increasing productivity with not only cost-effective ways but temporary or permanent problems. It allows the business to open to risks and concentrate more on business development. It helps in sustaining the onshore team and grow strategically in the longer run. RPO’s work as a partner with the staffing company to help reach and expand its goal and vision.

RPO is for big companies: -

It is true that big companies use Offshore recruitment, but the reason for including it as the last point was that staffing companies with more employee size do adapt to RPO for their quick scalability. However, the service is used by small staffing companies to mid-size staffing companies also, it works as a major backbone. RPO fills the necessary need from cost-effective to scaling the business. It partners with companies to help them work towards their vision.

Recruitment process outsourcing has a lot of definitions but we at Qodoro Global understand it to be the backbone of any staffing company we partner with. In other words, we help staffing companies run efficiently. In today’s fast-paced and changing industry needs we all need a cost-effective, quick and overnight service that keeps us competitive in the game.

Still, got few myths or questions? Let’s talk..! visit us at OR forward your query on or reach me at



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